Though the Lord Jesus taught the multitudes, He focused His training on a few individuals.

The Lord “appointed twelve, that they might be with Him, and that He might send them out to preach”

The Discipleship Intern Training Program is designed to provide specialized training for those sensing God’s call to service in the local church as elders, teachers, preachers, evangelists, or missionaries. Training takes place within an active assembly and is conducted under the oversight of the elders. Experienced instructors, most of whom are elders, commended workers, or missionaries, will guide the interns through an intensive course of study that covers most of the books of the Bible. Additional classes address topics such as Bible study methods, church principles, missions, counseling, discipleship, and the family. In addition to classroom work, instructors train the interns in various ministries as they serve together in the local church. These ministries include teaching, preaching, visitation, and evangelism. The interns become an important and integral part of the church during their time of training.

What you'll learn:

Instructional Methodology

The focus of the instruction is to equip the interns to study the Bible for themselves and prepare them to serve in the local church.

The goal of the DITP is discipleship in the form of academic and practical training in Christian ministry. This occurs through classroom instruction, ministry experience, and life-transference. Classes are structured for seminar-style teaching. Inductive Bible study methodology is emphasized throughout the training. During the training, interns spend hundreds of hours with the instructors. This includes classroom instruction, one-on-one mentoring, ministry field trips, a ten-day mission trip, sharing meals, Sunday morning church meetings, recreational activities, and hospitality in the homes of the instructors.

The following represents the approximate number of class hours dedicated to each subject:

Approximate Total Class Hours
Old Testament Books130 hours
New Testament Books220 hours
Bible Study Methods and NT Greek45 hours
Ministry Skills400 hours
Topical Studies240 hours
Physical Fitness Training100 hours
What we’re looking for:

Intern Candidate Profile

The DITP is seeking men and women who:

  • sense the call of God to training and service
  • have the support of their local church to receive the training
  • exhibit gift in the areas of teaching, preaching, evangelism, or pastoral work
  • are characterized by the qualities outlined in Titus 1:6-14 and 1 Timothy 3:1-7.
  • attend a church which practices the principles of the New Testament
  • have previous experience in teaching and preaching
  • have experience serving in the church
  • have made good use of opportunities within the local church for training
  • are proficient in English
  • are prepared to work hard, live sacrificially, and take direction
  • are in general agreement with the doctrinal statement of the DITP. See Doctrinal Statement
  • share the conviction of the instructors that the local church is at the center of God’s strategy for the furtherance of the gospel and the care of the saints
what to expect:

A Typical Week

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Books and Software

  • Interns should work from an accurate translation of the Bible suitable for serious study. Most instructors use the New American Standard Bible. Some use the King James Bible or the New King James Bible.
  • The textbooks used in the program will cost interns about $400, unless some of the titles are already in their possession. Interns will receive a book list closer to the start of the program.
  • Interns must have a laptop computer and bring it to class each day. They should have software compatible with Microsoft Word format. Interns are also required to have Accordance Bible Software. Interns are welcome to familiarize themselves with this program before coming to the program. Accordance offers a 90-day free trial that interns are welcome to take advantage of.
After being accepted into the DITP, students will be given a discount coupon that will enable them to purchase the software at a significant discount.
Discipleship in action

Interns take a 10-day missionary trip, usually overseas. They are accompanied by instructors with missionary experience.  This enables them to gain insight from a seasoned missionary and put into practice the skills they have cultivating throughout the year.

General Policies

Homework and Ministry Responsibilities
Physical Fitness Training and Testing
Church Participation
Personal Discipleship
Communication and Initiative
Conduct and Dress Code
Sickness and Other Absences
Secular Work
Romance, Courtship, Engagement, Marriage, and Family
Intern Reviews